Rising Darkness_Book One of a Phoenix Shifter Fantasy Romance Page 12
“It’s not afraid of you,” she whispered, awestruck by the display.
Zenon gave her the mental equivalent of a shrug. “Why should it be? It is not my enemy. I wish it no harm.”
The eagle dipped low, and Zenon followed. The same hollowed out feeling she’d had when they’d crested the hill in the SUV filled her belly, making her laugh. After a short, playful chase, the eagle descended, landing at the top of the tallest tree for miles. They had entered his domain, yet he shared it with Zenon as though they were long lost friends.
“That was amazing.”
“We have arrived at our destination, my Nickie.” Zenon said as he circled a lake to their right.
When she looked down, she could see small cottages dotting the lakefront. Trees separated each little cabin, giving an air of privacy even if they were somewhat close together. A larger building sat a little farther back.
“Will this do?” he asked as he descended, bringing them to the back of the larger structure and out of sight.
“It’s perfect.” As soon as they landed, she pulled out the sweats and T-shirt she’d shoved into her bag before they’d ditched the SUV and handed them to him. She glanced down at his naked feet. “I should have thought to grab some shoes.”
He pulled the clothes on and smiled as he took her hand. “Wearing shoes will take some getting used to. I have never had the need for them.”
They stepped out from behind the building as though they had every right. To an onlooker, they might assume she and Zenon had snuck back there for a little forest fun. “Well, you’ll need them to blend in. Maybe we can get some shopping done tomorrow.”
“Not today?” he asked, smirking down at her as they reached for the door to the front office and campsite store.
She shook her head and winked at him. “I’ve already got plans for today.”
“Welcome to Pine Valley Camping and Fishing,” a frail voice said, coming from the direction of the check in counter.
Nickie looked over but didn’t see anyone. A gray mop of tight curls popped up from behind the desk, though popping was a bit of an exaggeration. With a grunt, the elderly woman hoisted herself up so she could see over the counter. Was she standing on a crate? Her pink cheeks plumped some more as she smiled at them. “How can I help you?”
“We had some car trouble and the man who rescued us said we might be able to rent a place here for a day or two,” Nickie said, hating to lie to the woman, but what was she supposed to do? She couldn’t very well tell her that they’d flown into her backyard.
“Oh, isn’t that nice. Who recommended us? I’ll be sure to send them a Christmas card this year,” the woman continued as she began flipping through an old-fashioned paper ledger.
Nickie drew a blank. Crap. I can’t lie for shit.
“His name was Paul. I do not believe he told us his last name,” Zenon said, coming to her rescue.
“I don’t think I know a Paul.” The woman’s brows furrowed at the center as she rubbed a finger over the edge of her ledger in an odd kind of caress. “Unless of course it’s one of James MacNeil’s boys. Did he drive a green truck?”
“Yes, that was it,” Nickie said, heat creeping up her cheeks.
The woman’s eyes narrowed as she stretched and peered down. “That must have been quite some car trouble for you to have forgotten your shoes, young man.”
“Uh, well, he’s got sandals, but we left them outside. He stepped in something nasty and we didn’t want to track it in here. I hope that’s okay,” she said, ignoring Zenon’s choked sound.
The woman blinked slowly, her eyebrows rising close to her tightly curled hairline before she threw her head back, laughing. The booming sound filled the room. “When Magdalena said you were coming she never said you’d be such a hoot,” she said between fits of laughter.
“Excuse me?”
The woman, still chuckling, hopped off the crate, grabbed a key from the wall, and came to join them. “Maggie, the one who started you on your journey, told me to expect you. Said you’d need a safe place to stay.”
Nickie forced her gaping mouth shut. Her expression must have shown her surprise, because the woman leaned forward. “I’m a witch, dearie,” she mock whispered.
Before she could process what happened, Nickie was staring at Zenon’s broad back instead of standing next to him as she had been a second before. Burgundy flames licked at his shoulders. If possible, he looked bigger than he had, too.
“Oh, don’t be like that. I’m here to help. Those who hunt you will not be able to find you here. The campsite is heavily warded. Powerful witches have come together on this quest to release those who have been captured.”
“Witches are not to be trusted. We must go,” Zenon said, venom dripping from his voice.
Nickie pressed her palm to his back. “It’s a witch who led me to you. Without her help, you would still be in that field.”
“Listen to your mate, phoenix. For centuries, we’ve worked to find the right women to free you from your prisons. Each time we did, the Council for Human Supremacy found a way to eliminate them before they reached maturity. We’ve bound these women to you so that they could live and fulfil their purpose, otherwise they would have died in childhood. Bleak days are coming. We had hoped for a few more years to train and prepare them, but there is no time. The others of your kind must be found now, or we will all perish.”
“What makes you think the phoenixes would do anything to help mankind after what was done to us?” Zenon asked with a snarl.
“Don’t presume to know what’s in the hearts of all when all you’ve seen is the wickedness of a few. We’ve undertaken this endless task, passing it from mother to daughter for more centuries than most can dream of. We’ve devoted many lifetimes to this. But you can imagine it, can’t you, phoenix?” the woman asked, her voice stronger than it had been since they’d arrived.
“Everything she’s said fits with what the other witch told me when she first approached me,” Nickie said. “I think we need to trust them. They haven’t steered us wrong yet.”
Zenon was quiet for a moment. “I do not like this.”
“I know. But she’s right. We’d never have found you without their help.”
He shifted so that she could see past him while still standing between her and the witch. “I shall whisk you away at the first sign of trouble.”
“Good, now that that’s settled, I’m putting you in cabin seven. I’m Hazel, by the way. If you need anything to make smores, my shelves are fully stocked,” she said as though their previous conversation hadn’t happened. “What size are your feet? I will have someone drop some shoes off at your door.”
Zenon glanced at his feet, dumbstruck.
Hazel waved her hand and shooed them toward the door. “Never mind, I’ll figure it out. There’s food and toiletries in the cabin. Take a left at the lake and keep walking. I’d show you where it is, but it’s too damned far for an old bird like me.”
Hazel laughed. “I don’t suppose I’m the old bird here, though, now am I?”
“I don’t suppose you are,” Zenon agreed as he reached for the door.
Nickie paused to look back at the woman. “Thank you, Hazel. We appreciate the help.”
“It’s my pleasure, child. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the man next to you. Now get. I’m not getting any younger, and I’ve got some online bingo to get back to.”
“What an odd, little woman,” Zenon said as they stepped away from the building toward the lake.
“Odd, but I kind of like her.”
Up above, the eagle soared. “I still do not trust her, but I sense no malice. We can stay.”
Chapter 17
Cabin number seven, tucked deeper into the forest than the others, had Nickie grinning the moment she saw it. The view of the lake robbed her of her breath while the trees afforded them all the privacy they could ask for. She could hear the young couple with the toddler they had passed playin
g on the beach, but otherwise, nothing but the sounds of nature. Up above, the eagle soared, spreading its wings wide as it glided on the air currents.
“This is perfect,” she said as she spun inside the one-bedroom cottage. A colorful patchwork quilt covered the double bed in the room to her left, and to the right was a small bathroom. Shampoo and conditioner sat on the counter, begging to be used. She’d die for a shower. Too bad it wasn’t a bit bigger so she and Zenon could make use of it together. She smiled wider at his quick breath right behind her.
“I promised you a bed, sweet angel.”
Knowing he could, and often did, hear every little thing that went through her mind should have freaked her out, but she found it comforting. Spinning, she caught him off guard, wrapping her arms around his neck. “If it wasn’t for the fact that I still smell like a nasty campfire, I would drag you to the one in the other room and demand you make good on the promises I see in your mind.”
“Which would those be?” he asked.
She licked her lips, holding her breath as he brought his mouth closer to hers. He paused, waiting for her answer, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember the question. Right. Promises. “The one where you’re joining yourself to me for eternity. You know. And sex. Lots and lots of sex.”
Zenon sucked in a breath, then groaned. “Women in this time are so much more brazen than I remember. I enjoy it quite a lot,” Zenon said, chuckling as he released her.
More than anything, she wanted to close the gap he’d created, but if she did, she wouldn’t get her shower, and she needed one. Bad. “I’ll be right back.”
“I look forward to it,” he said, his voice a deep caress that made her nipples tighten under her shirt.
She didn’t bother locking the bathroom door. If Zenon wanted to enter, she wouldn’t stop him, though she suspected he’d give her all the time she wanted.
It took a minute for the water to warm, but once it had, Nickie wasted no time jumping under the hot spray. She could have bought the cheap shampoo and conditioner at any supermarket, but standing there rinsing the suds down the drain with the light floral scent billowing around her, Nickie thought she might have gone to heaven. Gas station washups—or worse, cold lake water—didn’t measure up.
As much as she enjoyed the decadence of it, there was something else she wanted more. The image of Zenon standing before her in all his naked glory filled her mind. He’d been the one to put a stop to their mating at the log cabin in the woods, but there was nothing standing in their way of cementing their bond now.
Keeping a picture of her mate in the forefront of her mind, she soaped up her body, rubbing her slippery hands over every curve, caressing her skin. Although Zenon didn’t say a word, she was aware of him, taking in every touch and savoring it as though he’d stroked her skin with his own hand.
“Are you ready for me?” she asked as the last of the bubbles disappeared down the drain and she shut the water off.
“More than you can imagine,” he replied from inside the bathroom.
The shower curtain whipped open, and there he stood, towel in hand and a hungry look in his eye. She swallowed hard at the sight of him. He’d gotten rid of his sweats and T-shirt, a move she fully endorsed. Free to look, she did, and didn’t feel bad about it. He was free to see every part of her, too.
Her nipples puckered as he chased a drop of water from her hair all the way down her chest with his gaze. A rough, warbled sound came from him, and a moment later, he had her wrapped in the towel, covering her as he dried her body.
“Looking at you is too great of a temptation. I want to be gentle, but I fear I will not be able to if I keep feasting my eyes upon your body,” he muttered in way of apology.
Rather than try to convince him with words, she launched herself at him. Startled, he released his hold on the towel, which went fluttering to the floor at their feet. “Take me to bed, mate.”
Zenon groaned and pulled her flush against him. Even though she’d just come out of a hot shower, heat rolled off him, further warming her. “Nickie,” he sighed before capturing her lips.
She wrapped her legs around his waist. The move opened her up and brought her into direct contact with his hard shaft, making them both moan. “I will not rut you like an animal. I refuse to do so,” he whispered into her mind.
“Maybe I want to rut like animals,” she sent back. That sounded pretty damned good, actually. She wiggled against him, relishing in the sound coming from his throat as he struggled to keep her from doing it.
“Not this time, my Nickie. I need to cherish and worship you.”
More than his words, Zenon’s desire to experience every ounce of her pleasure convinced her to slow down. She broke their kiss, missing the slide of his tongue against hers the moment she did. “Then take me to bed, mate. I want to worship you, too.”
Zenon carried Nickie, his knees shaking not from exertion, but from the need pounding through every part of him. She was perfect. Her breasts jutted out. Taut, pink nipples begged to be licked and sucked on, but he resisted—barely. If he dared place his lips upon any part of her, he doubted he’d be able to keep from rutting with her just like he’d said he didn’t wish to do.
Though that promised untold pleasure, he wanted more for her—for them. Their first time making love would be more than the physical release they both needed. It would include the soul-deep bond that would carry them through lifetimes of happiness at each other’s sides.
By the time he reached the edge of the bed, Nickie had gone pliant in his arms. The softness of her belly rested against his. Her thighs cradled him, driving his need to heights so great he was driven mad with lust. She stroked a lazy path over his shoulder with her lips, followed by the graze of her teeth, ending it with a sharp, nip at the base of his neck, making his shaft jump at the slight sting.
Lowering her to the bed, he straightened, looking upon her body, memorizing every inch. She brought a hand down to her abdomen, teasing her flesh with little circular caresses he wanted to—and would—follow with his tongue.
“You are stunning, my Nickie,” he told her, meaning every word. Her slender frame flared at the waist, giving her the curves of a woman—of a goddess—ready and waiting to entice her male. And he was truly ensnared. Nothing on earth would tear him from this woman. Once the mating was complete, even death would not remove her from his side.
Starting at her feet, he kissed and worshipped every inch of her, pausing in the areas that had her sighing loudest while avoiding those that would hasten their lovemaking too much. More than once, Nickie tried to reach for him, but he placed her hands above her head. Allowing her touch would shatter his resolve. And he wasn’t ready for it to end.
Only once she writhed beneath him did he give in to the blinding desire blasting through him. He captured one hardened nipple between his lips, suckling gently on the turgid flesh. Nickie’s back arched, and her needy moan filled the room. Using the tip of his tongue, he flicked the sensitive bud, swirling around it, teasing it before sucking once more. She brought her hands to his head, holding him to her as her breaths came in short, panting bursts. He did not try to stop her. Her need beat at him as desperately as his own did.
“I don’t know how much longer I can hold on,” she said in a breathy whisper.
“Soon, my Nickie. Very soon,” he said as he turned his attention to her other breast.
She whimpered, then moaned when he slid his hand down her belly, not stopping until his fingers reached the soft mound of springy curls between her thighs.
The head of his shaft leaked at the feel of her. Hard pulses made him ache in the most delicious way. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself inside her and never leave her body again. That would come soon enough. He had yet to experience her full pleasure. It was a greedy need for him to want that. And it had nothing to do with the mating, but he hunted her pleasure for himself.
Pausing for a second, he waited until s
he made a soft mewling sound before sucking harder on her nipple and slipping his fingers between her slick folds. Her cry filled the room, and her hips bucked off the bed.
“I can’t, Zenon. Please,” she begged.
“Just a bit more.”
Head thrashing from side to side, Nickie whimpered, panting with each little stroke. The swollen flesh, slick with her juices, begged for attention. Releasing her breast, he slid lower until he was between her thighs. She blinked her big brown eyes at him, her hair mussed on the blanket beneath her, and she’d never been more beautiful.
With their gazes locked, he lowered his mouth to her flesh. Kissing and licking every bit of her, he opened their connection further. Her pleasure exploded into him, making him falter for a moment at the pure bliss filling him.
“Give me your body, mate. Surrender your pleasure. I want to bathe in the feel of it as it washes over you,” he pleaded, needing it as much as she did.
With the flat of his tongue against her most sensitive flesh, Nickie crashed into ecstasy. Her body quivered and shook, as her climax cascaded through her and into him. He reveled at the sensation, locking it within him. If it weren’t for his need to be inside her when he spilled his seed, he might not have been able to resist the lure of release.
“You are perfect, my Nickie,” he whispered into her mind and shuddered against her as he fought to keep his body from betraying him through the sensual assault of her pleasure.
Chapter 18
Zenon climbed the bed, covering her with his body as she tried her damnedest to catch her breath. Never had an orgasm been so intense that she’d seen spots in front of her eyes afterwards. Every part of her body buzzed with the intense pleasure still zinging through her.
At first, she’d thought Zenon’s lovemaking was part of the mating ritual, but when she’d peeked into his mind, she’d seen the truth. His desire to know her body as well as he knew her mind and bring her pleasure had overridden everything else.